Political Cartoon
Green Energy

Political Cartoon

Found at Right Truth:

Why doesn't Time Magazine have a photoshopped cover or Obama shaking Carter's hand? That would be a perfect depiction of the mess we've got when it comes to Middle Eastern foreign policy!

- Unfortunately, Critical Foreign Policy Events Are The Playoffs Of Earth
“My shit doesn’t work in the playoffs” - Billy Beane Oakland A’s GMFrom Politico and Michael Horowitz, a (GULP, holds nose ..red sox fan):Moneyballing Obama’s Foreign PolicySo the president likes baseball analogies? Here’s how not to strike...

- Picture Of The Day
PhotoShopped or not, it is accurate and sums up both the domestic and the foreign policy of the Obama administration (hat tip to Randy's Roundtable): ...

- 1980 All Over Again: As With Jimmy Carter, Media Returns To Narrative That Presiding Over Modern America Is Impossible
The media is attempting to cover for Obama's miserable failures in the exact same way they attempted to cover for the pathetic Jimmy Carter. The echoes are eery. Go read it at Ace of Spades....

- Time: Does It Still Matter?
The latest cover of Time Magazine tells you all you need to know about the agenda of the left-wing media establishment that installed Barack Hussein Obama in power so that he could oversee the "fundamental transformation" of America: To ask a question...

- Jimmy The Dhimmi To Speak At Dnc?
Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama's party in Denver is going to be 'graced' with a speech by former President Jimmy the Dhimmi Carter, who was last seen laying a wreath at the grave of terror innovator Yasser Arafat and...

Green Energy
