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Pres. Micheletti Standing Strong

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Supreme Court chief Jorge Alberto Rivera vehemently rejects outside interference of a constitutional order carried out by the congressional branch, in conjunction with the Honduran military
Broad coalition of private sector demonstrates total support to the new constitutional government
Civil and political sectors from all walks of life offer their fidelity to Micheletti
Key members of cabinet participated, as well
Micheletti promotes investment, both foreign and domestic, unequivocally exclaims that Zelaya will never return as President, extols reconciliation in the future and promises to turn power over on 27 January 2010 after November elections
Micheletti demands "respect" from abroad, from those intertwining themselves in Honduras domestic matters
National Police has captured up to 120 foreigners infiltrated in country, majority of which are Nicaraguans and Venezuelans
Police force ready, willing and able to capture Zelaya, due to the 18 charges he has leveled against him
Supreme Electoral Tribunal investigating members of Zelaya's corrupt cabinet
Since Mel's ouster not one Venezuelan aircraft has landed in country with drug shipments nor violated air space, save Zelaya's infamous flyover of the airport
Zelaya agitators looking to disrupt nation with calls to strike
What a surprise, Sandinista Legion of Doom member, Danny Ortega, wants to alter the Nicaraguan constitution in order to seek indefinite re-election
Panama mediating as well, Foreign Minister meets Micheletti delegation
Canada conveys patience, urges Mel not to return precipitously
Legion of Doom member, Chile's President Bachelet, blasts the Micheletti government
Zelaya pressuring EU to suspend money and ties, will form an internal resistance, fomenting violence and rebellion
Three entry points that Mel is citing as possible avenues for his return to Honduran territory....can you say re-run?
Mel spent 10,000 USD in government funds to have his life size sculpture created, his bust and one of bloody terrorist, Che Guevara
He also had himself painted along with other former Presidents
Mel thanks fellow Legion of Doom member, the socialist bull dyke and daughter of a traitor, Pres. Bachelet from Chile
Marxist Venezuelan FM lambastes Israeli (first nation to recognize Micheletti) Deputy Foreign Minister, Dorit Shavit, who links the ALBA Legion of Doom nations to Iran and Hezbollah
A Defiant Micheletti
The constitutional President of the Honduran republic, Roberto Micheletti Bain, responding to the heinous fact that the socialist government of Brazil, led by Lula da Silva, has committed an act of aggression by being a conspirator and party to the illegal...
Us Amb. Llorens Betrays America, Talks Falter
Hugo Llorens is stridently and viciously doing everything in his power to bring the socialist tyrant, Mel Zelaya, back to power: El embajador de Estados Unidos en Honduras, Hugo Llorens, apoyaría la restitución del depuesto presidente Manuel Zelaya,...
Honduran Cardinal Tells Mel: Stay Away
Cardinal admonishes ousted petty tyrant, Mel Zelaya, to desist: TEGUCIGALPA -- A top church leader called on ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya to reconsider his return, and to recall three of the Ten Commandments. Local channels interrupted their...
Honduran Fm Warns Zelaya
Enrique Ortez, interim foreign minister, said Zelaya would be arrested if he came home and that the interim authorities were sure Zelaya had been removed in a legal process. "We are not negotiating national sovereignty or the presidency," he told Reuters...
New Honduran President Warns Former Leader He "will Be Sent To Prison" If He Returns - Rumors Venezuela Will Invade
My God, this whole situation is ratcheting up. From the Washington Post: TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras, June 30 -- The newly appointed president of Honduras, Roberto Micheletti, is warning that if ousted president Manuel Zelaya attempts to return here, he will...
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