Green Energy
Read My Lips. . .
So effectively what has been done here is a tax levied as punishment for inaction, for NOT doing something, for NOT doing something the State wants you to do. Not for not buying healthcare, but for not buying, for not taking an action. Period.
It's not a Tax that was written with a (very big) loophole -- everyone has to pay this tax but if you do this then you don't have to pay. But written "IF you don't do this THEN you have to pay this tax."
I didn't think that's the way things worked in America.
Think about where this could lead. IF you don't lose weight THEN you will be taxed. IF you don't buy a car from Government Motors THEN you will be taxed. IF you don't convert your home to "green energy" THEN you will be taxed.
Punishment for inaction.
Up At Jihad Watch: Malaysia's Dhimmis Fund Islamic Da'wah
Consider the notion that Islam in Malaysia is paid for from the proceeds of non-muslim owned and operated businesses that trade in (among other things) alcohol, pork, rock music and sex. And why? Because Islam would be bankrupt unless the dhimmis were...
Court Endorses “thought Crime”
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The Difference Between Shariah and Civilized Laws From Planck's Constant: The Jews have been making changes to their laws from the time Moses first revealed the Ten Commandments at Sinai. Many of the changes occurred when the Jews returned from...
The List Of Obamacare Taxes
Check out the list HERE, from (hat tip to Brenda Bowers). Taxed enough already? This administration doesn't think so....
Uk: Treasury Rewriting Britain's Tax Laws To Accommodate Sharia Financ
Maybe if I play dead the Muslims will leave me alone. From Jihad Watch: "Sharia Law Sneaked Into Labour Budget," by Kirsty Buchanan for the Sunday Express, December 13: THE Treasury plans to rewrite Britain's tax rules to usher...
Green Energy