Green Energy
Reid: Obamacare extension necessary because people don’t get how to use that internet thingamajig
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) said the fault of struggling to sign up on the Obamacare exchanges didn’t lie with the faulty website, but with the people who weren’t “educated on how to use the Internet.”
Explaining the reasoning behind the latest Obamacare delay, Reid said too many people just didn’t know to use their computer properly and needed more time. Apparently, it had nothing to do with the well-documented failings of the website that have embarrassed the White House for months.
God, please, save us from these people. Please.
Obama's World Today: "total And Unmitigated Disaster"
Today's New York Post From Ace: So far, state insurance commissioners in Washington state, D.C., Arkansas, andVermont -- all of them Democrats -- have rejected Obama's "fix" to Obamacare that guts the exchanges. Obama has summoned...
In Which Wolf Blitzer Comes Around To What This Blog Has Suggested
National Review:CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer said the White House should take Republicans’ suggestion and delay Obamacare due to the poor performance of the websites that are facilitating it. “If they weren’t fully ready, they should accept...
Maybe They Think Romney Just Won’t Call Them On It On Live Debates
It’s amazing that after the president being embarrassed last night, after the lies about taxes paid by Romney, Harry Reid lights it up and inhales. Are we supposed to begin thinking all they can do is lie? That they see no advantage for themselves in...
Reid Sets up Requirements Declaring a Super-Majority of Senators Will be Needed to Overrule any Regulation Imposed by Death Panels... From Weasel Zippers: Over 200 years of Senate rules out the window courtesy of Harry Reid....We Are No Longer...
Harry Reid Is A Pathetic Pantywaste Of A Man
Thanks to Fu2rman for sending these links on to me. The other day Harry Reid called Generals Petraeus wasn't in touch with what's going on in Baghdad. The Senate majority leader took aim yesterday at the top U.S. commander in Iraq, who until...
Green Energy