Green Energy
Remember what it took, because it still takes it - 6
Don Troiani Concord Bridge |
If you have not seen any of Don Troiani's Civil War works, the moments they capture, many of which are only slightly known, are truly inspiring.
Such as the 1st Minnesota's 262 Men charging Cadmus Wilcox's 1600 Alabamans the 2nd day at Gettysburg to save the Union position, before Joshua Chamberlain had his moment that day, to save it again.
That is here
Of the 262 Minnesotans who Hancock found himself to stop Wilcox's break through, 47 remained in line after being ordered to charge at 1-5 odds, to buy the minutes needed to get a defense at the base of Cemetery Ridge in order.
Governor Of Minnesota Says, Those Who Are Not Happy About Muslim Immigrants Behavior Should Find Another State
Dayton: Minnesotans who can’t accept immigrants ‘should find another state’ From the start of the event, Dayton bluntly stated his opinions on the racial tension in St. Cloud and across the state in regards to immigration. “Look around you....
We Need Prayers For Youcef -- An Iranian Convert From Islam To Christianity Under Sentence Of Death
For everyone who is reading this, please read and pass along the news of an Iranian named Youcef Nadarkhani. He is a married 34 year old Persian, sentenced to death by the Islamic Republic of Iran's highest court, for committing the 'crime'...
No Sir, The Strippers And Lap Dances Are In The Joshua Chamberlain Memorial Bar
I see it and read it but I don't believe it. Civil War preservation group backs Gettysburg casinoAugust 17, 2010 Evan Haning, WASHINGTON - Proponents of a project to convert Gettysburg's Eisenhower Conference Center...
Carbon-Capture Face Mask for Human BreathYOU GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME. Damien says: It's the ECO-Burqa. Submit to Islam and save Mother Earth! Scientists seeking ways to save the planet and spur environmental industry expansion have created...
A Well Regulated Militia Being Necessary To The Security Of A Free State. . .
With today's FBI raids it might be a good time to remember that WE The People are THE Militia as the Founders envisioned it and so penned in The Second Amendment. Every one of us. When the Redcoats (no offense, Ray) came to seize the military supplies...
Green Energy