SSDD, and at Stanford ..Nuremberg Laws, HERE WE COME
A member of Stanford University’s Student Senate argued that it is “not anti-Semitism” to claim Jews control “the media, economy, government and other social institutions.”
No doubt this person is on the Kevin McDonald ‘it’s reasonable to make pure antisemitism sound fine if you cherry pick facts and present them in a normal forum’ Scholarship (no doubt this will be featured in the next piece of evidence of Jew control, Zoolander 3.
Gabriel Knight, a junior, made the remark at a Student Senate meeting Tuesday addressing a proposed resolution on anti-Semitism, according to the Stanford Daily, the main campus newspaper. Knight also said, “Questioning these potential power dynamics, I think, is not anti-Semitism. I think it’s a very valid discussion.” He apologized later in the meeting after Jewish community leaders and a Jewish student accused him of anti-Semitism. “I will apologize for when I supposed that [the clause] wasn’t anti-Semitic,” said Knight. “It wasn’t right for me to say that Jewish people can’t be offended by that. What I meant to say is that it’s still making a political statement, which is my problem with the clause — it’s an important conversation we should be having.” Knight’s remarks came during a debate over language in the proposed resolution, which offers guidelines for defining anti-Semitism and calls on the student governmental body to oppose anti-Semitic activities and fund anti-discrimination education.
Many will wonder if Jew control began with Jack Warner, or Sam Goldwyn, or Darryl Zanuck, or that famous Jew Chet Huntley (yeah, I know, but he MUST be a Jew, right?), but the precise moment of facile control of the media by Jews can easily be pinpointed in time by the accession of the secret plan to disrupt American culture forever.
Gabriel Knight, you are BORING. Go back to school and take engineering,, then you can follow the distinguished footsteps of Arthur Butz
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