Green Energy
The Stunning Anti-Semitism of Modern Day British Culture

Little Green Footballs is bringing us the story of the new issue of the Independant, one of the major British dailies. Charles says:
The Independent features an interview with the always incoherent Robert Fisk, with a cover illustration straight out of Der Stuermer.Anti-Semitism, in my opinion, is evidence of a society suffering from a profound mental illness. For several years now, British culture has tolerated anti-Semtisim, of this sort, within its media.
The more the anti-Semtic libels are thrown around the more the public begins to believe them. My own English relatives see no problem in calling me up and explaining to me that the reason the world hates America is because our government is controlled by "the Jewish Lobby."
The amazing thing about it is I'm pretty damned sure my relatives understand that such accusations are straight out of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
But, I guess it doesn't matter, because this time, they believe it is true; the Jews really have gained control of the world, and are now steering it along for their own nefarious purposes.
Clearly, the entirety of Jewish culture has attained a super-human intellectual capacity, because men have been trying, since the beginning of time, just to control their own lives, and they have been abysmal failures at it.
And, that, my friends, is exactly the reason for all this anti-Semitism. When people are unable to understand the world around them, they feel they are losing control of their lives. At such a time, it is easier to buy into anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, than to face the icy breath of the nothingness within their souls.
Harry's Place has a history of such images.
Ssdd, And At Stanford ..nuremberg Laws, Here We Come
A member of Stanford University’s Student Senate argued that it is “not anti-Semitism” to claim Jews control “the media, economy, government and other social institutions.” No doubt this person is on the Kevin McDonald ‘it’s reasonable...
Fidel Castro To Ahmadinejad, "cut It Out With The Jew-hatred"
From the Christian Science Monitor: Castro's message to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran, was not so abstract, however. Over the course of this first, five-hour discussion, Castro repeatedly returned to his excoriation of anti-Semitism....
Pigs Fly Again: London Gallery Shows Anti-semitism In Arab Media
Wow. Just wow. I've been wondering when Europe would ever deal with the fact that there is a huge resurgence of anti-Semitism in our world today. I hope to God the awareness catches fire. However, I have a feeling the Jew-hatred will catch fire instead....
About Pbs's Recent Special About Anti-semitism
From Diana West's commentary: It only took PBS one hour to uncover the causes of anti-Semitism, now in an alarming heyday. In "Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century: The Resurgence," narrated by Judy Woodruff, PBS offered the answer: The reason for Jew-hatred,...
Anti-semitism On The Rise In Holland
Ynet news reports that anti-Semitism has increased dramatically since the start of the current crisis in the Middle-East. I heard about this before. Anti-Semitism isn't the only kind of hatred on the rise: homophobia seems to be on the rise as well....
Green Energy