Green Energy
Stop Female Genital Mutilation

In looking at my petition, I saw another one that is really worth signing and promoting:
Stop Female Genital Cutting
It's about stopping Female Genital Mutilation. It doesn't say anything about Islam, but just getting rid of this hideous practice would probably help restrain Islamic encroachment. Even if it doesn't, stopping FGM is worth doing regardless.
This is one of those causes that can help force multiculturalists to choose between multiculturalism and human rights — a choice and a distinction that should be made. When they conflict, human rights should trump multiculturalism, as this issue makes crystal clear. If this hierarchy of values was clearer to more people, I believe much of the resistance we meet in telling people about Islam's relentless encroachment would evaporate.
Women's Clits Hacked Off At Cornell University's Presbyterian Hospital
Not by Criminals ... By a Doctor. Female Genital Mutilation Performed at Cornell UniversityFemale Genital Mutilation (FGM) has appeared in the form of "corrective surgery" at a premier American hospital. While we lambaste the practice abroad, some doctors...
Australia Considering Allowing Female Genital Mutilation…Yes, Allowing From Weasel Zippers: AUSTRALIAN doctors are considering a controversial form of genital mutilation on baby girls. The practice involving cutting a girl’s genitals, sometimes with...
Merry Christmas: Illegal female genital mutilation parties abound in BritainMove over tree trimming parties: female genital mutilation ‘cutters flown in’ to cater to ignorance over Christmas holidays. From The Independent U.K., : UK fails to halt...
Un: Only Religious Scholars Allowed To Discuss Matters Of Faith
PROOF FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION AND HONOR KILLINGS ARE PART OF ISLAM AND ARE NOT CULTURALLY-BASED PHENOMENA The United Nations Human Rights Council has a new rule. If a Human Rights matter is impacted, in any way, by religious considerations, the UN...
Sweden Sentences Man For Forcing Fgm On His Daughter
Finally, a sentence handed down for a European Muslim parent who took his daughter out of the country for a clitoridectomy. These laws have been on the books for over two decades in some cases, but are widely ignored throughout European countries by the...
Green Energy