Green Energy
Storm Track Disinformation: Why the War Will Last 50 Years – Part 1
From The Gathering Storm
While the free world places skates on the feet of it’s children, our enemy is placing guns in their hands of theirs. To paraphrase Golda Mier, we will not have peace in the world until Muslims love their children more than they hate Israel and America.
Teaching hatred of the US and Israel - Lebanon and Palestine

Teaching Children to die for Allah in Palestine and Lebanon

I Know You're Going To Be Surprised By This, But Muslims In Morocco And Palestine Hate Jews
AUSTRALIAN WOMAN VOLUNTEERED TO HELP PALESTINIAN CAUSE, HORRIFIED TO FIND THEY JUST WANT JEWS DEAD Australian in "Palestine" account of children suicide bombers - תרגום עברי - YouTube Published on Nov 14, 2013 (thanks to Bill)Darly...
“i Want To Sing, She Is A Bride”
Today’s two state democracy and civil values update from the new, exciting, and vibrant PALESTINE………………PA TV visited mother of suicide bomber. Mother upon news of daughter`s death: I want to sing, she is a bride”I didn’t scream, even...
Storm Track Disinformation: Al-reuters & Al-ap Photo Fraud
From The Gathering Storm We’ve all seen the recent attempts at faux photography that Al-Reuters has done to slant the Israel-Lebanon conflict. has compiled an excellent slide show of the photo frauds that Reuters and AP has committed over the...
Winds Of War: The Children Of Terror
From The Gathering StormI believe it was Golda Meir who said that peace in Middle East will occur when Arabs love their children more than they hate the Israelis. That was years ago but little has changed and has even gotten worse. An excellent analysis...
Storm Track Disinformation: Food For Thought
From The Gathering Storm This is a classic example of the right hand not know the left hand is doing – our allies the Saudis. They are supposed to be helping us in the struggle against the Islamist ideology. Here are some of the topics on a typical...
Green Energy