Green Energy
Stuff to Make You Smile

I just got an email today from MPAC. Talking about the Holy Land conviction, they wrote:
"MPAC today cautioned against allowing the case's outcome to undermine the partnership Muslim American organizations have built with government agencies to promote Muslim American political participation, improve global U.S.-Muslim world relations, and enhance our national security."
They're worried it might undermine their influence with the government. It damn well
better undermine their influence!
Egyptian Magazine: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama AdministrationFrom the Investigative Project on Terrorism:An Egyptian magazine claims that six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives...
Cair Warns Not To Prosecute 5 American Jihadis: "fbi Walks Tightrope In Outreach To Muslims"
From Atlas Shrugs: US officials are actually debating whether to file charges against the five Muslim DC students, Americans who were arrested in Pakistan for planning jihad. See also here."They are proudly saying they are here for jihad" or holy war,...
Arif Alikhan And The Mpac
Seems to be a pattern forming with regard to those being appointed by this administration. Either they, their affiliates, the organizations they are involved with or their friends, are shady as hell. And in the case of Arif Alikhan, it is no different....
Muslim Civil Liberties Coalition To Critique Nypd "homegrown Radicalization" Report At Press Conference
Whoever is most organized is going to win this war in the long run (think about the scene from Gladiator at the beginning of the movie, and think about the difference between the tight, organized attack by Rome against the tough but unorganized Germanians)....
May 1 Immigration Marches: The Muslim Connection
The following is from an Aztlan email update: MUSLIM AMERICANS TO JOIN 5/1 IMMIGRATION MARCHES NATIONWIDE (Los Angeles - 4/19/06) -- In solidarity with immigration activists around the country, the Muslim Public Affairs Council as well as the Council...
Green Energy