Green Energy
Supreme Court Enters Mohammed Cartoon Contest

Yes, the Supreme Court Of The United States Of America has gotten in on the act too. Here is their submission to the Infidel Bloggers Alliance Mohammed Cartoon Contest (seen from two different views).
I don't know, their submission doesn't seem very funny to me, but it sure does say a lot, doesn't it?
I guess we can't expect the SCOTUS to be a barrel of laughs. They're judges for crying out loud.
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The Infidel Bloggers Alliance "uncovered Meat" Contest
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Ahmadinejad In Wonderland
Mahmoud Ma-ma-MonkeyJihad does a pretty little dance for us Infidels in this latest submission for the Infidel Bloggers Alliance Jihad Satire Video Contest. ...
Holocaust Cartoonist Writes An E-mail
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[email protected] Subject: Hello, Irancartoon contest about the western limits of freedom of expression...
Oh My Dumb Jihad - The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Cartoon Contest
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Green Energy