Green Energy
Oh My Dumb Jihad - The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Cartoon Contest

Dag at No Dhimmitude wrote and suggested we hold an Infidel Bloggers Alliance Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Cartoon Contest.
Sounds like a good friggin' idea to me.
All submissions need to be in by midnight Wenesday (PST).
It ought to be easy to lampoon this idiot. He's such a friggin' slob. He looks like he'd hang with Archie Bunker, or the Honeymooners, or something.
I think I saw him cleaning the toilets in the Bowling Alley last week, but, I'm not sure.
I also heard he has a thing for big missiles planted up his you know what.
But, only if it's a Jihadi doing the planting.
Oh, by the way, this contest is officially a Jewish Conspiracy.
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show
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And The Winners Are ...
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The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Mohammed Cartoon Contest
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Green Energy