Green Energy
And The Winners Are ...

Hey Mo,
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Cartoon Contest Winners are finally here. Here is the winner, "Mo Says," by Uncle Monkey:
It is funny, but honestly, I have no idea what good ole' Mo is saying here. Maybe, Uncle Monkey can write in and let us know.
Second place goes to Uncle Monkey also. He calls it, "Fatwa Favorite."
In Third place PTG at Plains Feeder, brings us "Sacrilege or Cartoon."
In Fourth place we have Anonymous, for "Big Mo."
And running in fifth is Armed and Christian, with David and Mohammed.
Thank you to everybody.
Some Schools Still Have Some Common Sense
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It Looks An Awful Lot Like A Lizard To Me
Just for the record, I'm actually down with the whole Evolution thing, but I can't help making this Inside-Blogging joke anyway. If you know what I'm referring to, then this post will be funny. If not, it's still interesting. From Sky:...
The Ultimate Insult Infidel Apparel
Whether you're a descendant of a Jew monkey, a Christian swine, or just a simple infidel pig-dog, you may want to get yourself one of these, a wide variety of which can be found at the Ultimate Insult Infidel Apparel store. ...
Allahu Akbar--it's The New Sieg Heil!
The counter-jihad savants over at Gates of Vienna have just released the winners of their Counter Jihad slogan contest. The judges were Pamela at Atlas Shrugs, Francis at L’Ombre de L’Olivier, and a4g at Point Five. Submissions for the contest totalled...
Oh My Dumb Jihad - The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Cartoon Contest
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Green Energy