Green Energy
Sweden's Christmas Ice Pigs Attacked

From Vlad Tepes, citing a comment from the
Tundra Tabloids:
I live in the same town as the pig and a man of middle eastern decent was seen kicking the pig. You will not read this in any newspaper or comments on there online articles due to censorship against any critical comments about muslim immigrants.
The local newspaper even go as far as suggesting that it was a drunk angry man without anything at all to support that theory. They will do everything in there power to lead away the attantion from the immigrants.
Vlad Tepes has
more, including and update and this commentary:
There is nothing that the non-Muslim does or doesn’t do, that won’t piss off the Mussulman. It’s because we live and breath is the reason for their hatred.
Muslims, Islam, Free Speech, Sweden
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Green Energy