Green Energy
Thank you Ms. Crowley, but I would like to speak DIRECTLY to the middle class
For many months now, you the middle class have been mired in a recession, and mock recovery which has no end in sight, have been listening to my opponent and his connected ads which have been bombarding - you insist through an intentional fog of distortion that I am out of touch, and that I don’t care about you.

So let me explain what I know to be a fact about the middle class, and those whose hard work marks their aspirations to ensure they achieve the middle class and beyond.
I know that unless the American economy is growing the government will never be able to tax and or cut its way out of the situation we find ourselves in. I know that the best way to demonstrate care about those trying to pay their bills is to create a situation which allows them to do so, and have a substantial sum left over. I know that finding part time work in which the required skill is to tell the difference between regular and large, after you have built new homes all your life is not caring about you. I know that to enable the middle class to grow, and to to raise the median income of that class, this economy must invent, design, and most importantly manufacture. I know that, therefore the best way to ensure I care for the middle class is to do whatever it takes to allow that to happen.
We don’t demonstrate care for the middle class by making it harder through regulations on small business making the entrepreneurs worry if they are complying rather than worry they are beating their overseas competition.
We don’t demonstrate care for the middle class by putting up roadblocks to ANY safe energy form here in the USA, including coal which can be made clean by our engineering.
We don’t demonstrate care for the middle class by making it harder for private capital to fund startup businesses.
We don’t demonstrate care for the middle class by creating Too Big To Fail institutions indemnified against their own actions threatening all over again what we have already suffered.
I will demonstrate my care for the american middle class by ensuring that it is business which grows, and not government, and that business drives this economy with increasing revenues towards increasing tax revenues which lift the burden of the debt off of you and you children and grandchildren.
In the coming questions, I will explain precsiely how I will do this.
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Green Energy