Green Energy
The After Party

My radio co-host, The Fu2rman, and I have a new radio show with a new format. It is no longer called the Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show.
It is The After Party. And, by the way, I use my real name on this show. No longer am I Pastorius of the IBA Radio Show. My real name is Peter Dengler. So, all those mofos out there who want to kill me can now look me up in the phone book and come suck on the Dengler.
For those who are interested, the idea behind The After Party is expressed in the opening sequence which declares,
The town says time to shut it down. Last call for alcohol. The end of time, past our prime.
Screw that, we're just getting started. Kick the vampires out, so dearly departed. Get 'em the hell out of here. Let's kick this thing into high gear.
We'll blast through the night. We give you warning. You're in our sites. And, we're the one's who will see the morning.
The After Party with your hosts Pete Dengler and the Fu2rman.
My point? Basically, I'm tired of all the negativity. I'm tired of all the people telling me Western Civilization is coming to an end, the Jihadists are winning, we're living in the End Times, America is no longer America.
I'm done with all that bullshit.
America is not it's leaders. America is it's people. We are still the same people we were last year, we're still the same people we were after 9/11, and we're still the same people we were when Reagan was elected.
And, I even believe we are the same people we were during World War II. Give us a visceral existential threat, and we will turn into vicious killers on the battlefield. We will fight with every last ounce of our being, and we will be victorious.
The After Party is a show for a Victorious America. It's not a show for people who babble like pussies about how we're going to lose while we're sitting in the locker room at halftime.
Anyway, we're just getting started with the show. We've done just a few episodes.
Click here to hear Joe Kaufman talk about his glorious defeat of the Muslim American Society in an American Court of Law.
Click here to hear us Interview Culturist John about the realities of the Iranian situation, and the Iranians who actually live here in this country. A
dditionally, you can hear us interview El Presidente Hugo Chavez as we get his take on Obama and the situation in Honduras.
El Presidente describes how El Constitution is a Caballo (horse) and he is un Caballero (horseman). He says he ropes the Caballo, he rides el Caballo, and when the Caballo gets old and tired, he will shoot el Caballo in the head.
Just like El Presidente Obama.
Listen and enjoy.
The After Party Radio Show
Listen, if you like Guy Humor and dissing Obama, you'll really enjoy this show. Click here to listen. The topics we discuss include: Dengler has 'woman' issues at home. "Dear Dengler" Dear Abby for the 21st Century) helps a man with liver...
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show
Coming to you live, from under sniper fire in Bosnia, it's the Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show ... Featuring an interview with noted columnist Erik Rush, the man who broke the story that Barack Obama's church adheres to a black nationalist...
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show
Introducing the Prophet Mohammed Doo. Yesterday was Mohammed's birthday, so we invited him on the IBA Radio Show to celebrate. Turns out Mohammed is a cretinous, carnivorous canine. He loves "Kosher hot dogs" and French Poodles named Fifi. It...
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show
Wow, this show was a trip. I didn't have the Fu2rman with, so Dr. Blogstein sat in as my co-host. I love the dude's sensibility, but honestly I felt naked without my bud the Fu2rman. And then I had a comedian on, named Howard Stone, and an old...
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show
The Fu2rman and I did our second radio show together last night. Highlights included: 1) The Great Australian Bikini March. 2) Ayesha (Mohammed's child-bride) called in and complained about Mohammed a bit. 3) The Ask The Imam Show - we had Imam Ali...
Green Energy