The Amazing USA
Green Energy

The Amazing USA

I have always believed this remains a revolutionary nation.

This week we are confronted by the twin spectacles of a democrat running against another by claiming the other one is s socialist and she is to the other candidate’s right, and what’s the matter with you Americans?

…. and the National Review and 20 leading conservatives having a ideogasm over being against Trump because while he is apparently RUNNING AWAY with the nomination, he fails the conservative test.

Both of these items is yet ANOTHER nail in the coffin of the conventional way of doing things.
This manner of govt matured in the post WW2 milieu and worked just fine.

But it has spawned an out of control executive branch which a lazy congress has granted the power to expand its own authority without reference to legislation (EPA anyone?)

This has resulted in, for in stance an IRS engaging in political repression without jail or Tea Party folks being disappeared. They just ruin your lives with the endless resources of the federal govt. If you follow someone for 500 miles, you’ll be able to give them a ticket, guaranteed.

It has also resulted in uprisings in the people against BOTH the out of control govt AND the big business world it rewarded, as the class which came to power including the academic justification clique in both parties in the 50′s has matured into a single entity with interests FAR REMOVED from the people.

We now see before us a govt of inaction, failure, and national division of undreamt of consequences with other nations taking advantage of this class at THE PEOPLE’S cost.

The result is that the old idea of liberal/progressive vs conservative is OUT THE WINDOW as the nation views what might be a couple of guys with fire hoses who see the same conflagration WE DO.

To be sure Drudge poll is the most unscientific imaginable, except that it has meaning.

So, Hillary, National Review, the people DON’T CARE about the labels of Socialist, communist, or Conservative. Few want to hear about abortion, choice, Jesus, 1% or anything else.

The people are concluding that classical liberal/progressive govt has failed, Obama is a numbing failure and its all a bunch of platitudes for the euchred, and conservatives do nothing, except mouth complaints then accept the way it is violating their promises, therefore a label of progressive or conservative, or communist, socialist, or right wing is BALONEY.

The message is:

‘FIX IT oh and BTW, we know who broke it’

The wings in the center have FAILED and other forces are at work.


We now must pray, and I mean pray, that these forces BELIEVE in the founding document, and will put its values above themselves.

I remain undecided

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