Green Energy
The Erasure of Harry Truman and FDR
I have gone on many times about the descent of the Democratic party from one of national dominance for having both stood up for the 'common' working man, and stood up unblanchingly for american interest in the world.

This is not a clean business on either side. FDR both saved the nation in 1932 and held Somoza's hand as "our SOB", as well as Stalin's when necessity commanded. He also attempted to change by fiat and statute the Supreme Court from 9-13 justices.
Harry Truman killed segregation in the armed forces, saved millions by unflinchingly using nuclear weapons, and then chose the wrong side in Southeast Asia, and tried to nationalize the steel industry in the midst of both a strike and the Korean War.
No president is perfect. Just imagine if the present occupant of 1600 Pa. Ave had attempted these actions.

Yet these men are certainly among the greatest presidents, and greatest democrats in history.
Today the democratic party is trying to extinghuish the last of it's men who fall into that category of democrat. They have been dwindling. From Hubert Humphrey through today.....
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