Green Energy
The New Palestinian Chic 628 A.D.
The Gaza has devolved to 628 AD, chaos reigns. Kidnapping, ransoms, murder, bombings, tribal gangs. Accompanying the spiral downward is of course women's rights. You see it everywhere by one clear sign; wherever Islam is attaining increasing control, the clothes and headdresses women wear become more restrictive. Used to be in Indonesia and Malaysia, women's dress was very colorful with a lightly draped headscarf showing plenty of hair and ear and neck. Don't see that in pictures of Indonesia and Malaysia anymore, do you? The same is true in Palestine. Ten years ago, you would see women without scarfs or very loose scarves.

But now look at this photo from November, 2005. Ali Sina describes this sexual fixation mentality, and often makes comments about women and their obsession with covering their 'privates' where the entire body is "100% vagina" if you wear a burga with the knitting so the eyes cannot be seen. But in this case, this woman thinks she is "98% vagina." You see Mohammed set down all these restrictions as a means to control his harem. After all, he was getting old, there was no viagra, and lots of young studs sneaking around willing to risk the wrath of Mohammed making that second kind of 'booty' call we know today.
So here we have Palestine, it's 628 A.D., and the rest of the world looks on not knowing what to do. I say leave them to their anarchy. We have paid so much jizyah and look what we have bought. Why would we buy anymore?
Malaysia Bans Women From Wearing Men's Clothes And Lesbian Sexual Relations
THE TELEGRAPH: Malaysian women have been banned from "tom-boyism" and lesbian sexual relations in a fatwa from one of the country's top religious authorities. According to the chairman of the National Fatwa Council, Abdul Shukor Husin, many young...
Dutch To Crack Down On Burqas In Schools And Public Places
Sweet, lovely, brutal intolerance. From the Telegraph: The Dutch government is to extend a ban on the burka to all schools, a measure that includes a prohibition on Muslim mothers from picking their children while wearing face-covering Islamic dress....
Wait A Minute - Now, Is That A Muslima Or A Whore?
Bwahahahahaha! Whores are starting to dress like Muslim women in Kenya. What happens when you can't tell the difference between the two? Question: What's the quickest way to get Muslim women to stop wearing extremely conservative clothing? Answer:...
Halaal Pornography
Pornography will be a benchmark for liberty in the Muslim world.How so? Let me explain. Understand: when I say pornography, I'm including everything from Playboy to the most hardcore, um, stuff. Westerners might think that this definition is too broad...
Kinder, Gentler Islamo-fascism!
What is written on the white-board behind revolutionary guard commander Talaii (in larger black font) If you see women with thick lipstick, don't use a razor blade to slash their faces (as has been permissible and very much done by the disciplinary...
Green Energy