Green Energy
The Real Suicide Bomb

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multiculturalism:A philosophy that recognizes ethnic diversity within a society and that encourages others to be enlightened by worthwhile contributions to society by those of diverse ethnic backgrounds.There is nothing wrong with multiculturalism. In fact, it is wonderful. It makes the world a better place. It enriches everybody. But plain, across-the-board multiculturalism is incomplete. It is missing one simple distinction, and that makes it blind.
Multiculturalism is great. Blind multiculturalism can get us all killed.
The missing distinction is
mutuality. It is great to tolerate other religions or ethnic customs if the people following those religions and customs also tolerate ours. It is a self-inflicted injury to tolerate them if they do
not tolerate ours. And it is suicide to tolerate a culture or religion that actively tries to undermine or destroy ours.
Read more: How a Tolerant Country Can Avoid Being a Doormat for Intolerant Countries
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Green Energy