Green Energy
The Return Of The European Walled Fortress Township?

Despite all the pessimistic prognostications which emanate from people like Mark Steyn, I have never believed Western civilization was just going to roll over and let the Muslims take over. However, it does seem obvious to me that many of our governments will never lift a finger to fight.
If they don't, then it will be up to the citizens.
Believe me, if European citizens are willing to kick each other's asses over Soccer allegiances, they will be willing to outright kill for their homes and neighborhoods.
I am afraid the future of parts of Europe is a returned to something like the old idea of the walled city. Left without any protection from the military or the police, some citizens will band together into small paramilitary forces and begin to take control of their neighborhoods by force. They will likely set up roadblocks and guard stations in order to ensure that unwanted intruders are kept out.
In fact, it looks like we're already seeing the beginning of the organization of neighborhood militias in parts of Britain. Ronbo Soldier has the story (if you follow the story back to its source, it comes from the British daily the Gazette & Herald):
The anarchy created by the current British government has led to the
creation of unarmed militia units by the British National Party (BNP) to patrol the streets of troubled cities. These new paramilitary formations do not yet carry weapons, the British gun control laws being some of the most severe in the Western World, but if the urban anarchy and the run away crime situation continues to be ignored by British politicians then it is only question of time before these militia units find arms to impose law and order.
In time these newly created militia units may provide more than
simply law and order functions on the streets of urban Britain: This could be
the beginning of a British Revolution against an Establishment that seems hell
bent on the surrender of the country to Socialism and Islam.
This writer cannot help but think of the creation of "Minutemen"
militia in Massachusetts in period leading up to the first shots of the American Revolution being fired at Lexington.
It is a fact that the British have a history of rebellion against
ruling Establishments the British People feel have abandoned their constitution,
as the career of Oliver Cromwell and his New Model Army serve so well to
illustrate. Perhaps in the near future a new Cromwell will overthrow both
Monarchy and Parliament to create a British Republic. If so, the blueprint of
revolution has long been drafted by Britain's most famous former
Think of Paris. It is basically a circular city, which is ringed by what the French call "suburbs." The Suburbs are the French equivalent of ghettoes. It is in these ghettoes that the Muslims live. The youth (read Muslim) rioting has never stopped in Paris. It began in earnest in November of 2005, eventually fell off the radar of the media, but has continued unabated ever since.
On an average night in Paris, 100 cars are torched.
The casualty rate of the French police force is over four times the casualty rate of the American armed force in Iraq.
If this kind of rioting keeps up and the government of France refuses to do anything about it, do you think the French citizens will simply cede Paris to the barbarians. I hardly think so. I think they will, instead, build a wall around Paris, and a wall around the freeways leading in and out of Paris, and they will make sure the barbarians stay outside the gates.
This is a bleak fucking future. I would hate to see such a situation in Europe, but the only way we are going to avoid such a scenario is for our governments to take control now.
Do you think they will?
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