Image by Speaker Pelosi via Flickr
Yesterday I heard the One utter some words along the lines of .. 'if the repubs want to campaign on repealing help for sick kids and give control to the piratical, blood dripping from their teeth, insurance companies, I'll take that'
But his new law COMPELS people (32 MILLION PEOPLE) minding their own business to buy this product from these beasts in the insurance industry who 'control', according to Mr. Obama. If there is additional risk from sick kids, then premiums SOMEWHERE will go up, and some businesses won't hire, will lay off, cancel raises and otherwise make some way to pay for the law. Who is the bigger winner?
Insurance companies?
Sick kids?
I know the insurance industry is happy with so many new customers locked into tiny limited markets in states. I know the Rx companies are happy with so many new Rx's about to be written, and paid for by a third party ..NOT THE CONSUMER who might notice. I know sick kids who would have turned up at the emergency room ANY WAY MIGHT be winners with insurance paid for by others (and we can argue over if and how they should be).
But the faceless, boiled frog public?
The only way to help more people GET the health insurance they need without further indebting the USA is to LOWER THE COSTS. The only way to lower the costs without price controls is nationwide, WIDE OPEN competition for customers.
People who are sick and have known risks NOMATTER their age are going to have to go into a high risk pool, JUST AS YOUNG DRIVERS DO in many states.
I am such a person. My wife is such a person. But it STILL remains the best answer.
If we act in any other way than to LOWER COSTS, and to be SEEN TO BE DOING SO we contribute to the end of the USA as interest on the debt becomes the largest single budget item we pay for.
That is the republican answer.
Just like Verizon Wireless, T Mobile, AT&T, Sprint.
Lower costs from the democrats with more govt and the IRS enforcement is a FARCICAL IDEA BELIEVED BY FOOLS AND THOSE WHO RUN TO BELIEVE IN SANTA AND A FREE LUNCH while govt piles on layer after layer of complexitity until everything you do in the health industry will either be compulsory or illegal.
We'll get MORE people covered by choice, and business will grow as overhead declines with nationwide competition.
And we'll have LOWER GOVT INVOLVEMENT IN OUR LIVES .. btw what happens NOW to dad and mom if they cannot afford to include the son or daughter who is now 23.. or if they refuse? Will Jr turn them in?
The republicans need to appeal to WHAT IS BELIEVABLE IN THE REALM OF COMMON SENSE. The democrats CANNOT.
Otherwise the asteroid which is hurtling towards the USA which President Obama CANNOT SEE will hits long after he is retired to a private life of speaking engagements @ $150k per nite, plus expenses. And no amount of rancor by a fully enraged 350 million freshly boiled frogs will mean anything.
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