- Fitna Producer Learns To Love Islam
With a hat tip to Mark Alexander of A New Dark Age Is Dawning: A once strident anti-Islam activist who gained notoriety as the producer of Fitna, a derogatory film wrongly portraying Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), has found peace and tranquility...
Somalia: Al-Shabaab Force School Children to Watch Public Execution of Christian ConvertFrom Weasel Zippers: Washington, D.C. (July 7, 2010)– International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that members of the Al-Qaeda linked Somali Islamist group,...
South Park and the Prophet Muhammad: Jumpin' Jihad, Folks! From Stogie: I found this South Park depiction of the Prophet Muhammad. Well NO WONDER the jihadis are all in a lather! This depiction of the Muslim prophet is truly outrageous and disgusting!...
- No Sh*t Sherlock
Lies, lies all lies Saudi Arabia's grand mufti: Pope's comments lies Saudi Arabia's highest religious authority, Grand Mufti Abdul-Aziz al-Sheik, said in remarks published Saturday that the pope's comments on Islam were "all lies." ...