They're On Our Side
Green Energy

They're On Our Side

Oh. My. God.

I just couldn't help myself. I saw it. I lusted. I wanted. I may have even whimpered.

I so pinched this shamelessly, happily, greedily from Rusty's Joint.

Remember, it's educational (I think).

And they appear to be on our side in this thing (I hope).

Now I think I'll be catatonic for a week or so. Just wipe the drool now and again.


- Pepsi Cans In Afghanistan
From Bare Naked Islam: Those Pepsi cans were manufactured in Dubai. Is the image a rendering of the Twin Towers? Evaluations on that matter have been mixed. Excerpt from Bare Naked Islam (citing this source):So yesterday I was in the chow hall on my Forward...

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed From Eye on the World: (BBC) Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed", Chancellor Angela Merkel says. In a speech in Potsdam, she said the so-called "multikulti" concept...

- I Am Back
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- The Obamasburg Address
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- And Now For Something Delightfully Nsfw
Pastorius, I want you to know I have readied a disproportionate Infidel response to your nekkid lady jihadi of some few days ago. To wit: Ready. . . Aim. . . WAIT A MINUTE THERE'S CIVILIANS IN THE WAY! Ok. FIRE! ...

Green Energy
