Green Energy
And now for something delightfully NSFW
Pastorius, I want you to know I have readied a disproportionate Infidel response to your nekkid lady jihadi of some few days ago. To wit:
Ready. . .

Aim. . .



All happily pinched from Theo at The Last of the Few
Just Wrong On So Many Levels
(NOW with VIDEO!) That butt you see sticking up in your face there is that of our president. No no, he's not mooning you. He's showing obeisance, subservience, to The House of Saud. Lessee, here, last King we bowed to was George III, I think....
Public Service Announcement
Ok just a reminder to all out there that the day after tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the solemn season of Lent and as such we um. . . ah. . . what? huh? . . .yea yeah sure just a minute um. . .we. . .we. . .oh. . .wow. . .phew....
Weapon Testing
The War is being used to test a new weapon. Like all weapons tests the outcome will determine how the weapon is revised for future deployment. The weapon being tested is not a drone or a missile or a bunker buster bomb. It's a rhetorical weapon: the...
Pretty Much Sums This Issue Up For Me.....
OK, not even close. But this was a beautiful interchange I found in an article in Haaretz: "The European Union is greatly concerned about the disproportionate use of force by Israel in Lebanon in response to attacks by Hezbollah on Israel," according...
Attacking Iran, And Iran Attacking Us
Attacking Iran May Trigger Terrorism At Infidel Blogger's Alliance today Pastorius has posted about this article in the Washington Post. To say it's a must read is an understatement. But that is true on two levels. The underlying message is that...
Green Energy