Green Energy
This election is TIGHTENING, no matter how hard the mainstream media attempts to deny it.
According to a Zogby poll, and via Drudge:
ZOGBY SATURDAY: Republican John McCain has pulled back within the margin of error... The three-day average holds steady, but McCain outpolled Obama 48% to 47% in Friday, one day, polling. He is beginning to cut into Obama's lead among independents, is now leading among blue collar voters, has strengthened his lead among investors and among men, and is walloping Obama among NASCAR voters. Joe the Plumber may get his license after all...
So here is the deal. This race is VERY close, and getting CLOSER. How important is it that Obama not ascend to the presidency? Here's something we can all agree on whether US Citizens or International bloggers:
Who understands that we are in a long-term war of ideas against RADICAL ISLAM, ISLAMO-FACISM, etc?
Who would actually tell us this is the case, and not fear using those terms?
Who on the other hand would hide that, deny it, and said they would stand with the muslims?
Who continues to have no platform whatsoever regarding Radical Islam? Whose only claim to fame is that he will pull us out of Iraq and finish the job in Afghan? This doesn't even account for the root of the problem.
Who has stated he will meet unconditionally with States that harbor and support terrorist organizations?
Who has supported Israel?
Who understands what WAR really is? What WAR means?
Who would attempt to spread and indoctrinate the youth further into the philosophy of cultural relativism and multiculturalism - the bitter pill that is destroying European culture?
Who who who?
Everyone has a part to play in this, American or not, because we understand this existential threat, while others accept their suicide.
What can we do? Simple:
The Republican Party is known for it's last 72 hr get out the vote program, this is what propelled Bush to the Presidency in both 2000 and 2004. So let's help support it by donating WHATEVER we have at:
If that doesn't work visit JOHNMCCAIN.COM and click CONTRIBUTE at the top Right.
What else?
Make phone calls via the McCain Phone Bank here:
If that doesn't work visit his site again and click the phone calls tab at the right.
There is a prompt you read from, easy stuff.
Remember we can play a part in this war, the OBVIOUS next step is a McCain administration.
And LASTLY, spread this same information to everyone else you know in the next 4 Days, it WILL make a difference.
Obama Sinking Like A Stone, Dems Hands Him More Rocks
especially if they force Obamacare without GOP input Newsmax: Zogby: Obama Hits Record Low in Poll Thursday, August 20, 2009 7:07 PM By: David A. Patten President Barack Obama's popularity has plummeted to a record low, with just 45 percent of voters...
Guess Who's Coming To Israel From Ohio?
Joe the Plumber (via Michelle Malkin): TOLEDO, Ohio: Joe the Plumber is taking on a new job. The Ohio man, who became famous during the U.S. presidential campaign after asking Barack Obama about his tax plan, is heading to Israel as a war correspondent...
Whispering Through The Fence In The Gulag
Obama may not have the support we all thought he has. From Hillbuzz (a site that seems dedicated to hatred of Obama - so take it for what it's worth): Run_dmc Says: October 26, 2008 at 2:52 pmHi - read this site consistently, but have never commented...
What Does This Phrase Mean? "large Majority Of Americans Unhappy With The Country's Direction"
Should we be headed east? Are the jewish neocons destroying the nation? Do we need to become socialist, instead of whatever we are? Should we pound the Al Saud to ashes and dust instead of being AH buds? Should we all speak spanish? Or chinese?...
John Mccain - Man In The Arena
I found this great John McCain video today on You Tube. It really show's McCain's humility, pride and strength. John McCain definitely has his detractors. But, as more and more people are coming to realize, he is who we have. An Obama or Clinton...
Green Energy