Green Energy
Time for celebration
I am angry and have been for some time because of the on march of Islamofascism. I fear for the future of the world and Europe especially. Here in Europe the biggest threat is not even the Islamists but the leftwing appeasing defeatist apologists and at times it sure looks bleak.
But today we have a small victory and a cause for celebration.
In Jyllandsposten, the Danish newspaper that started the Khartoon rage, I this morning read about this (link to article in Danish):
One of the infamous traveling Imams, shaykh Raed Hlayhel, living in Denmark has decided to go back to where he belongs: Tripoli, Lebanon. He was one of the foremost Imams spreading lies about Denmark not only showing the cartoons around in the Middle East but also a number of pictures/drawings much worse produced for the occasion.
He says "Goodbye Denmark"

I say "
Good Riddance" (actually I am joyfully shouting out of the window)
Even better, he states: "I am not coming back". That makes me so sad - not.

According to the shaykh (another title not to revere) he is leaving because the Danish courts have decided that publishing the cartoons was perfectly ok.
Of course the minor detail that his 9 year old son is seriously sick and will not be able to receive treatment in Lebanon, does not move him at all. Inhumanity must be one of the foremost things you learn in the Faculty of Sharia of Medina. I do feel sad for his innocent son. He is another child victim of Islam. I would like to point out that the only reason the Imam has been allowed to stay in Denmark is because of his son's decease.
Incredibly, I read that having studied in Medina makes the Imam one of the best educated in Denmark. The journalist must be confused. An education from the Faculty of Sharia of Medina is no such thing.
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Green Energy