Green Energy
Too Good To Be True

In what can easily be called the most ironic news of the week, radical cleric Omar Bakri’s daughter has admitted she is a pole dancer.
Read more: Radical Clerics Daughter is a Pole Dancer.
I was looking for a label for this article and discovered we have a label called "Islamic Irony." This story should top the list.
Islamist Cleric Warns France: If You Ban the Burqa We’ll Keeeeel You Note to France: They’re going to kill you anyway. Click on the title to read the whole story....
CBS: Iraq Says It Thwarted Al Qaeda Plot on World Cup Security Forces Detain Militant Suspected of Planning "Terrorist Attack" in South Africa during World Cup (AP) Iraqi security forces have detained an al Qaeda militant suspected of planning an attack...
Another Suggestion For Posting
In addition to adding your avatar at the top-right of each post, you can add your own "name" as a label. Why to do that? Because you, or any reader for that matter, can then type in your name in the search box at the top left of this blog so as to find...
Joke Story Of The Day, Omar Bakri Is Now 'moderate', Humanist
IHT-Muslim radical shows moderation, or at least tact TRIPOLI, Lebanon: There was a time when Omar Bakri Mohammed embodied every stereotype of the jihadi extremist. From his perch in London, he threw around words like "kafir" - infidel - to describe Christians...
British Muslim Leader Calls For Muslims To Kill Brits
Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammed says the Muslims of the UK no longer have a "covenant of security" with the British. So, it's time for them to take up arms. Hat tip to Strange Girl In A Strange Land: London, England, Jan. 10 (UPI) -- Muslims living in...
Green Energy