Green Energy
UK "Faith" Schools May Breed Terrorism

I'm with Mark Alexander on this one. Faith schools WILL breed terrorism. The Conservatives who want to establish the school voucher intiative are inviting a Tower of Babel into the United States.
Look it's already happening in the UK.
From A New Dark Age Is Dawning:
Separate schools for Muslims not only ‘may’ breed terrorism, but WILL breed terrorism. Islam is a supremacist ‘religion’. To give Muslims the chance to indoctrinate their children is a sure road to Hell! (The road to Hell is paved with good intentions!) This is one of Tony Blair’s most stupid policies. With this policy, he showed us that he understood absolutely nothing about the nature of Islam. We should never forget that school is a starting point for cohesion in society. - ©Mark
EVENING STANDARD: Faith schools that encourage religious segregation are sowing the seeds of terrorism, a leading expert claimed.Professor David Canter came to the conclusion after leading a pioneering study which involved speaking to convicted Islamic terrorists about their lives and beliefs.
His findings indicate that the common Western view of terrorism emerging from deprivation and conflict is wrong.Spiritual belief and attachment to a particular social group provided the two most important pathways into the world of terror, said Prof Canter.
The research also showed that far from being ignorant "pawns" or mentally disturbed, most terrorists were educated and intelligent.
Strict faith schools steered students towards terrorism by instilling in them a sense of exclusive spiritual and social identity, Prof Canter argued.
The professor, director of the Centre for Investigative Psychology at the University of Liverpool, said: "I have to say, and this is a personal point of view, that issues like faith schools are terribly dangerous.
"Setting up these divisions based on faith and religion is the starting point for people thinking of themselves as separate and distinct and part of some out-group."
Faith Schools ‘May Breed Terrorism’ >>> September 9, 2008
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