Green Energy
Virginia Tech Officials Aided and Abetted Jihadist Mass Murder
From Jdamn at the Astute Bloggers:
They phoned their friends and family an hour and 20 minutes before a general email went out alerting everyone that they had 15 minutes to get out or get killed. They knew he was crazy, armed, and bent on jihad, so they did everything they could to help him murder as many people as possible. They should get the chair.
AP via Sweetness & Light:
BLACKSBURG, Va. – New details on the response to the first shootings of what would become the Virginia Tech massacre show that at least two administrators alerted their family members well before the rest of the campus was notified that a gunman was on the loose.
The revised state report released Friday also revealed that garbage collection on campus was canceled before students and staff were notified of the danger, and the family of an injured victim wasn’t notified until she died hours later…
The two administrators notified their families about the dorm shootings around 8:05 a.m. — an hour and 20 minutes before a campus-wide e-mail warning was sent to staff members, faculty and students. The massacre in the classroom building began at 9:40 a.m…
Mass murder accomplice Lisa Wilkes can be contacted here and mass murder accomplice Kim O'Rourke can be contacted here.
In other new findings in the report:
• It took 17 minutes for the chief of the Virginia Tech Police Department to get through to the executive vice president’s office after he learned of the dorm shooting.
• Campus trash collection was canceled 21 minutes before students and teachers were warned.
• Virginia Tech’s government affairs director ordered Steger’s office locked around 8:52 a.m. Two classroom buildings were also locked down well before the notification went out. But Owczarski said the office was never locked.
• One student killed in the dorm, Emily Hilscher, survived several hours after being shot, but no one bothered to notify her family until she had died. A call to her parents Friday wasn’t immediately returned.
• An administrator who was a member of a policy group dealing with the shooting mailed a colleague in Richmond around 8:45 a.m. that a gunman was on the loose, but warned the colleague to make sure that information didn’t get out because it was not yet "releasable."
• Virginia Tech had two different emergency-alert policies in effect at the time, and that led to the delay in issuing the university-wide alert.
The original report criticized the university’s failure to act on warning signs from Cho that included violent, twisted writings and sullen, hostile behavior. It also criticized the communications failures and other problems that allowed nearly two hours to elapse between the first gunshots and the campus-wide notification…

Gee, I wonder why that information was not "releasable." Could it be because university administrators are overwhelmingly terrorist panderers who refuse to hold Mohammedans to any standards whatsoever, be they:
- Academic (no Sharia-state school would be accredited if they did, as they produce at best 17-year-old "college" graduates who necessarily believe that the earth is flat and that 6 and 8 are the same number, i.e., who lack, by definition, the equivalent of a Puerto Rican kindergarten education and meet both the definitions of illiterate, which is lacking an American 8th grade education or its equivalent, and mentally retarded, i.e., lacking any and all logical faculties);
- Intellectual (he was fucking retarded and, like all Muslims, admitted to the university of his choice and was given decent grades).
- Moral (administrators repeatedly allowed him to stalk women, in violation of criminal law and of their Title VII rights, under which harassment cannot be a condition of attendance);
- Legal (he was never charged for stalking or making threats, despite being arrested: "a 2005 detention order state officials thought there was 'probable cause to believe' that Cho [Ismail Ax] was 'mentally ill and in need of hospitalization,' and that he presented 'an imminent danger to self or others as a result of mental illness' and is 'substantially unable to care for himself.'”); or
- Ethical (they covered for Ismail Ax, too. Bloggers broke the story of his Islamic leanings and jihadist statements.)?
Look forward to more of the same. Our universities are crawling with terrorists. Make sure to stay away from universities in states which prohibit concealed carry on campus.
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