Green Energy
War Against The Weak
Award-winning author and investigative journalist Edwin Black will deliver a multimedia presentation entitled, “Eugenics– From Virginia to
Auschwitz” on August 28 [has already taken place] at the campus of Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg VA. Virginians from across the state will be driving to the campus to hear Black speak. Among the groups will be groups of Native Americans victimized by state eugenics.
Black’s many books have included IBM and the Holocaust, The Farhud, and War Against the Weak. The latter of these recounts the growth of the pseudo-science known as eugenics that was funded by corporate America and which sought to eliminate so-called ‘unfit’ people such as African-Americans, Native Americans, and the poor, through sterilization abetted by local and state governments.
Black follows the connections between American eugenicists and their funders and supporters, such as Henry Ford and the Carnegie Institution, to Adolf Hitler and the logical terminus of their inhuman philosophy in the gas chambers of Auschwitz.
University Study: Black Federal Judges “conditioned” By Racial “solidarity” To Go Easy On Fellow Blacks
From the Washington Examiner: Black federal judges, inspired by racial “solidarity” and “conditioned” in life to sympathize with other blacks, side with African-Americans filing discrimination cases in significantly higher percentages than white...
Wapo Journalist: Obama Decided To “become Black” After Being Branded An “oreo” By Fellow Black Students While At Occidental College
From the Daily Mail: Barack Obama decided to ‘become black’ after being teased at university by black students who called him ‘Oreo’, a new book claims. The future President got sick of being compared to the black and white biscuit so decided...
The Obamas - True Black Royalty
From the Black Sphere: I’d be curious to know how many vacations the average black person has taken in the last 18 months. The eight vacations the Obamas have taken are more vacations taken by half the black population of America in the same timeframe!...
Obama Isn't The First Black President
Could this be true? I would not be surprised. After all, I am as white as they come and I am 1/8 "Indian" (Native American). From Diversity: You've seen the headlines: "Are Americans Ready for a Black President?" "Is Obama Black Enough?" "Obama: America's...
Today (in 1945)
The liberation of Auschwitz: Soon after liberation, surviving children of the Auschwitz camp walk out of the children's barracks. Poland, after January 27, 1945. From the web site of The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: Auschwitz was the...
Green Energy