Green Energy
Watch Out for Them Rev'noors

I'd like you to meet some of the regulars from our gun club.
No. . . Wait . . . Um . . .
Steve Jobs Has Died
One of the most extraordinary innovators in American history has passed on. From ABC: Steve Jobs, the mastermind behind Apple's iPhone, iPad, iPod, iMac and iTunes, has died, Apple said. Jobs was 56. "We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve...
Happy Halloween Iba!
A little Halloween present to everyone at IBA, especially us -- ahem! -- ladies from me and, in order of appearance, Steve, Lukasz, Thomas, and Egyhazi, collectively known as "sexy guys who play vampire Count Graf von Krolock:
America Under Attack
Steve Emerson on the latest round of Islamic Jihadi arrests in the United States and the Taliban Fan Club in Queens, N.Y.: STEVEN EMERSON: Well, Larry, yesterday was an unprecedented day – not just [Najibullah] Zazi was indicted, but several other people...
Great Moments In The History Of Islamic Intelligence
From Jihad Watch: Rotary and Lions Clubs part of "Zionist conspiracy"! Threat to Islam"They gather funds and give them to America and the Israeli Zionists.'' Conspiracy Paranoia Alert from modern, moderate Indonesia: "Rotary Club a 'threat'...
Just Some Catholic Humor
Courtesy of the Papal Shop and linked through the still-on-the-web despite the change in office Cardinal Ratzinger Fan Club. Cardinal Ratzinger is first Pope to have had a fan club while he was still a Cardinal, and both sites still operate online, the...
Green Energy