Green Energy
We Are Going To Win! The Only Question Is, How Many People Are Going To Have To Die

Just because almost everyone here, who reads this blog, knows we're at war, the fact remains, that the bulk of our citizenry does not realize the threat.
Think about my next statement very carefully please (I know I sound like a hothead a lot of the time, but I, actually, choose my words carefully).
What that did was drive home, once and for all to the British people, that if they did not get up off their asses, they were going to lose their entire civilization, everything they had worked for through history, and the future lives of their children and grandchildren.
9/11 was a Godawful hit. The Hamas Charter is an extreme offense. The calls for "Death to America" are disgusting.
But, the fact remains, our fellow Americans do not take Islamic Civilization seriously.
When it comes down to it, because of the fact that they really literally are a stupid civilization (and that is because their religion does not allow for the rigorous pursuit of knowledge. It has nothing to do with race), we do not believe that they can truly pose a threat to us.
A nuclear, biological, or chemical attack on a mass scale will change all that.
Don't ever give into the siren song of defeat.We are going to win.
The question is, how many people are going to have die?
The sooner we start to REALLY fight, the fewer people will die.
The longer we wait, the more people will die.
It is that simple ...
and sad.
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Green Energy