Will it be the Foley, Larry Craig, Bob Packwood social conservative holier than thou variety?
Or should we pick the Harry Reid, Jess Jackson, Barack Obama holier than thou variety?
Will it be predatory homosexual liars and heterosexual gropers trying to tell us about family values, or fair skinned negro dialect, hymietown, Trent Lott should resign for using such language social justice champions lecturing about what is correct?
Will we have two america's John Edwards tell us about how it should be while apparently creating and juggling two families?
Or will we have military heroes like Randy "Duke" Cunnigham wondering if what made him an ace made him a crass bribe taking creep?
Should we have the Al Sharpton's using preztel imaging to explain Reid and then Obama's justification for excusing him, or should we have Bob Livingston exposed by Larry Flynt?
I will make ONE POINT.
The republicans GOT RID OF TRENT LOTT. Livingston resigned as well under pressure (leaving us with David Vitter who then became a senator with his own sex scandal, then Hastert - and a quick end for the republican majority).
The democrats have excused themselves. Perhaps they better understand being in POWER trumps a guilty conscience
They apparently DO feel if you have the right social justice profile, then these little poof mistakes can be excused.
Accepting this all seems quite banal, doesn't it? Just another human foible in a long list of imperfections.
These people want to soon be appointing those who decide what kind of health care you are allowed to receive when you are considering your wife's lump in the name of egalitarianism and moral right.
Moral right?
Said anything publicly to your friends and neighbors lately? Is one of them going to be appointed to some committee at the hospital to decide how resources are applied (sound innocent enough?), or do you even know?
Or should we pick the Harry Reid, Jess Jackson, Barack Obama holier than thou variety?
Will it be predatory homosexual liars and heterosexual gropers trying to tell us about family values, or fair skinned negro dialect, hymietown, Trent Lott should resign for using such language social justice champions lecturing about what is correct?
Will we have two america's John Edwards tell us about how it should be while apparently creating and juggling two families?
Or will we have military heroes like Randy "Duke" Cunnigham wondering if what made him an ace made him a crass bribe taking creep?
Should we have the Al Sharpton's using preztel imaging to explain Reid and then Obama's justification for excusing him, or should we have Bob Livingston exposed by Larry Flynt?
I will make ONE POINT.
The republicans GOT RID OF TRENT LOTT. Livingston resigned as well under pressure (leaving us with David Vitter who then became a senator with his own sex scandal, then Hastert - and a quick end for the republican majority).
The democrats have excused themselves. Perhaps they better understand being in POWER trumps a guilty conscience
They apparently DO feel if you have the right social justice profile, then these little poof mistakes can be excused.
Accepting this all seems quite banal, doesn't it? Just another human foible in a long list of imperfections.
These people want to soon be appointing those who decide what kind of health care you are allowed to receive when you are considering your wife's lump in the name of egalitarianism and moral right.
Moral right?
Said anything publicly to your friends and neighbors lately? Is one of them going to be appointed to some committee at the hospital to decide how resources are applied (sound innocent enough?), or do you even know?