As hideously predicted, the Moveon ad, which btw is no overreach, but represents the heart and soul of what they consider their better morality, and are burning to tell us all they really feel, has generated no negative response from ANY of the Harry Reid-ite, I'm bending over for you, simpering, fear struck, and terrorized Democratic candidates when one is CLEARLY called for. Even Ms Hill.
Hillary Clinton has ruled herself out for me, and she had the benefit of the doubt on foreign affairs side of things from me. But shockingly, Rudy has struck home with a point.
If Hillary (or any of them) cannot stand up to Moveon, who will they stand up for when it's not just critical, but civilizationally unredeemable if you don't.
How fast will they wither for the support of the morally unravelled western european govts and their soft power, and the snickering smiles of the oil nations? How fast will they justify the credo of Hassan Abbasi of Iran, who advises the mullahs?
So I have a small thought, from another western european...
"You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing! Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!"
It took the national democrats less than a year to get me to feel this way. Despite all the stunning incompetence (beginning with the lack of holding people accountable at Tora-Bora), and misplaced loyalty to friends of the Bush admin (too big a list for here), I have more confidence in them, than in you, democrats.
The lot of you look and are craven before a bunch of arrogant, morally superior, holier than thou, cultural shouters, with some money and campaign workers. How will you fare against the arrogant, morally superior, holier than thou, cultural shouters with allegiance to the ascendant forms of Islamism, whose beliefs give them permission to kill your people unless you accede to their words and deeds?
This, 'misperformance', with Moveon has, very unfortunately, provided the answer.