Green Energy
What Really Matters: Bikini vs. Burqini
Here's the bikini (or part of it):

And here's the burqini:

Bikini wins! Type in your vote in the comments if you wish.
T&a Beats Medieval Repression Every Time
Bikini Gals 1, Islamonazi Bigot – 0 …Nice One, Riau!For some reason, although much of the media gave prominence to the bluster and ranting of the FPI Islamonazis in Riau who got all uptight about the bikini fashion show in Lagoi Resort last weekend,...
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show
The Fu2rman and I did our second radio show together last night. Highlights included: 1) The Great Australian Bikini March. 2) Ayesha (Mohammed's child-bride) called in and complained about Mohammed a bit. 3) The Ask The Imam Show - we had Imam Ali...
Bikini Babes Plan Rally At Mosque
LOL! (Hat tip to Jack at Dive Desk) Now, the West is getting the hang of it, huh? POLICE have been asked to protect Australia's largest mosque next weekend because of concerns that a bikini march staged to coincide with the anniversary of the Cronulla...
Those Fabulous Chinese Models
I know that this has been up for a while at LGF, but I love it so much that I just had to repost it here. Some of these models are sporting suits based on the Iranian flag. Take that, Ahmadenijad!! Besides, I don't think the Chinese put up with fatwas....
Islamic Babe Of The Week
A new feature here on Infidel Bloggers Alliance. This is Vida Samadzai. In 2003, she won the Miss World Beauty Pageant. Babes like this give us just one more reason to strike a blow for Freedom in the Islamic world. Because when they are free, babes...
Green Energy