Green Energy
What The Hell Is Wrong With These People?

Why are they so into blood and death?
New contributor, Apollon Zamp, explains at Gates of Vienna.
Great Moments In The History Of European Weenie-ism
Let's see, so far today we have had a German contributor take us to task for criticizing European support for Roman Polanski, and, we have had a Brit contributor take us to task over the idea that America ought to have control over Internet Protocol....
Iran: Muslims Converting To Christianity En Masse
Uh oh, people are using their own God-granted free will in Iran. That couldn't be good. The Iranian government is looking to respond according to the will of Allah. From Gates of Vienna: “A Mass Exodus From Islam” That’s what a Christian missionary...
Mohammed Dog Cartoon Creator Speaks Out
Infidel of the Week, Lars Vilk, the artist who drew the cartoon here on the left speaks out and Gates of Vienna has the story. He says we needed a "hot potato" to spur discussion: Artist Lars Vilks has spoken out about the controversy surrounding...
Weekly Radio Show: July 20
Listen to The Gathering Storm Radio Show, which WC and I cohost. The show broadcasts live every Friday for one hour at noon, Pacific Time. The call-in number is (646) 915-9870. Callers welcome! Friday, July 13: Our scheduled guests at the bottom of...
Fox News Visits Red House Va…again
Larwyn reports that Fox News will be covering Red House tonight. Supposedly an ex-member will be interviewed and will spill the beans about their connections with Sheikh Jilani. Larwyn also says: BREAKING- MUSLIMS OF AMERICA in Redhouse Va (see Gates...
Green Energy