Green Energy
The Blaze:
Michele Bachmann Reveals Her ‘Favorite’ Gun: ‘An AR-15′ — Here’s WhyHave you ever wondered what presidential candidate Michele Bachmann considers her favorite gun? Well wonder no more: it’s an AR-15.

An AR-15 -- Michele Bachmann's favorite gun.
Bachmann made the revelation during a radio interview with WHO-AM RADIO on Thursday morning. But that wasn’t the only gun-related news she discussed. She also talked about how she‘s a concealed carry permit holder and how she’s actually set to go on an upcoming bird hunt with Rep. Steve King.
“Hey, I’m a pretty good shot, I got to tell you,” she said, later adding, “I learned how to hunt here in Iowa from my dad. I went through gun safety when I was 12. … And I scored the best in my class of any of the men, too, in that class.”
So why does she like the AR-15 so much? “Because you can be so accurate with it.”
“I love it. I love it, it’s a great gun. I like being accurate, and that is a great gun.”
You can listen to her describe her love for the AR-15, as well as the size of her magazine, below:
Keith Ellison (D-CAIR): I Don’t Know Anything About The Muslim Brotherhood – Reality: The Muslim Brotherhood’s US-Branch Paid For Him To Make The Hajj To Mecca In 2008…Here’s what Ellison told Politico:Rep. Keith Ellison shot back at...
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Tea Party Constitutionalism
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Green Energy