Green Energy
Why Didn't They Fucking Think Of That 50 Fucking Years Ago
While No One’s Looking, the Palestinians Are Building a State – By Hussein Ibish
Instead, they've spent the last 50 years building bombs, and raising suicide bombers. It's a good thing they're "building a state". Thank God for small miracles, huh? If they actually build something worthwhile, maybe they'll come to enjoy having something to live for, and maybe they'll stop spending their whole lives thinking of new dumb-ass ways to kill Jews ...
In the world of Palestinian politics, the recent weeks have been a study in contrasts. The international media has trained its focus off the shores of Gaza, where the flotilla fiasco has generated dramatic images of dead civilians and battered Israeli soldiers. The politics of this incident reflect the traditional sturm und drang of the Palestinian national movement: full of grand gestures and transformative ambitions that might result in bloodshed and embarrassment for Israel, but make no substantive contribution to Palestinian liberation.
But in Bethlehem, far away from the television cameras and breathless news reports, 2,000 Palestinian financiers also gathered recently at the second Palestine Investment Conference to quietly go about the business of building the economy of a viable Palestinian state. They discussed almost $1 billion in new projects targeting high-growth sectors, including information and communications technology, housing, and tourism. The politics of the conference represent a paradigm shift quietly taking place in the West Bank under the leadership of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, in which Palestinians are increasingly turning to the mundane, workaday tools of governance and development as their principal strategy for ending the occupation.
This strategic transformation is the result of a conundrum facing the Palestinian leadership, which has gambled its political future on a two-state agreement with Israel. If they fail, it is likely that both the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Palestinian Authority (PA) will permanently fade from history and the national movement will be captured by Islamists led by Hamas.
Rockets Rain Into Israel As Obama Meets With His Palestinian Buddies
From Associated Press: RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) - U.S. President Barack Obama is meeting Palestinian officials on the second day of his Mideast tour to emphasize the importance of reaching an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal, a message underscored Thursday...
USA Today: Hamas leader: Armed resistance best GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — A senior leader of the Gaza Strip's ruling Hamas movement says armed resistance is the "most effective" way to fight the Israelis, and that Palestinian plans to ask the...
Abbas Asking For US Forces to “Defend Palestinian State From Israeli Invasion,” Permanent NATO Bases in Peace Deal (JPost)-The Palestinian Authority is considering allowing the permanent stationing of NATO forces in the future Palestinian state, London-based...
Money Leaking Out Of Palestinian Economy - It's The Jews Fault
Honestly, I can't figure this one out. If someone else understands the logic, please explain it to me. The Palestinian government asks for $5.6 billion. The world ponies up $7.4 billion. It is acknowledged by existing donor groups that the invesment...
The Palestinian Suicide Strategy
PALESTINIAN BODY ARMOR (Click image to enlarge)What, then, is the strategy of the Palestinian's new (Hamas) government? At times it seems that they are doing things that not only harm the Israelis-- but harm the Palestinians as well. (And, in fact,...
Green Energy