World class snarky AH look on Obama's mug...what a bunch of idiots
Green Energy

World class snarky AH look on Obama's mug...what a bunch of idiots

From Sweetness and Light...
obama_hill_looh.jpgThe back and forth is now galactically comical.
Please carry on !

Study: Taliban a Bunch of Closeted Homosexuals Who Also Are Pedophiles For the three of you who don't already know, Taliban fighters are overwhelmingly Pashtun. Also, the report is so disgusting-funny (is there a word for something that is repugnant...

- $550b Lost In Electronic Run On Banks
Now, who could have arranged such a run on banks, in the leadup to the American elections? Who could it be? From Sweetness and Light: Rep. Kanjorski: $550 Billion Disappeared in "Electronic Run On the Banks" Mr. Kanjorski is talking about the events...

- Obama Defends His Christian Religion, Denies Apostasy
So today, Obama defends his religion. AP: The Democratic presidential candidate told a town hall meeting Sunday in Nelsonvile, Ohio, in the state's rural southeast, that he is a devout Christian who prays to Jesus every night. ...... Obama said misinformation...

- Skeletons In Obama's Closet
Power and Control has a roundup of Obama's problems: Here is a round up of the skeletons in Obama's closet. I will be adding links as I find them. Check back. Obama goes to Church. A Black Supremacist Church Ronald Kessler comments on Obama's...

- The New Lefty Talking Point
I've been driving around, listening to a lot of talk radio the past few days and the new Lefty talking point is fucking hilarious. Here it is. Get ready, because it really is a doozy. A real zinger. Ok now, are you ready? "What is victory?"...

Green Energy
