Green Energy
Your Homeland Security At Work
Yes folks, we have nothing to worry about Homeland Security is on the job. I'll let Charles tell you the story in his own inimitable way:
Homeland Security at ISNA Right Next to Hizb Ut-Tahrir
Here’s a photo from the Islamic Society of North America convention, showing the booth of Hizb ut-Tahrir, the Islamic supremacist group openly dedicated to the establishment of shari’a over the entire world, with a poster advertising “The Shield.”
And in the disgrace of the year, right next door to this most radical of radical front groups: the Department of Homeland Security, apparently trying to recruit employees. Notice how “The Shield” is conspicuously placed on the side of the booth facing the DHS exhibit.

Where's the Sharia, you ask? Why here it is (the poster in the above photograph reads:
The Systems of Islam
* Ruling
* Education
* Social
* Economic
* Judicial
* Punishment
Denmark Looks To Ban Hizb Ut-tahrir
Denmark looks to ban Hizb ut-TahrirActive in some 40 countries around the world, it runs its Scandinavia chapter from Copenhagen. Although it is listed as one of five Muslim extremist groups operating in Denmark, a 2008 attempt to ban the group...
The Dutch Section Of Hizb Ut-tahrir Displays Caliph President Barack Hussein Obama On Their Posters For Their Meeting On 03 July 2011
From Will at The Other News: (Hizb ut-Tahrir.Nl)They seem to have removed the pick by now but i downloaded the pic before they did remove it. An explanation from the White house why the Presidents image was used for an Islamic meeting about creating...
UNREAL: DHS Collected Information on Wisconsin Pro-Life Activists Even Though They Posed No Security Threat, Attempted to Destroy Copies of Report... Opposed to the wholesale slaughter of the unborn? The Obama administration would like a word...
London School Of Economics Employs Member Of Hizb-ut-tahrir As Professor
From the Jerusalem Post: A senior member of a radical Islamist organization accused of grooming one of the suicide bombers that targeted a Tel Aviv bar in 2003 is currently teaching at a prestigious London university. Reza Pankhurst, a member of Hizb...
Hizb Ut-tahrir Debuts In Canada
Counterterrorismblog: Hizb ut-Tahrir Debuts in Canada By Madeleine Gruen Later this month, the members of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Canada will host a conference in Mississauga to discuss the establishment of a Caliphate. The conference announcement acknowledges...
Green Energy