Green Energy
Brave Leftist Comedian Pi$$es on Jesus Painting In HBO SeriesUPDATE AT BOTTOM OF POST!What a brave Hollywood leftist!

Larry David inspects the Jesus painting he peed on during the latest episode of “Curb Your Enthusiasm.”
That wouldn't be so funny even. What would be funny is to see how much Larry David pees on himself once he realizes that all the Muslims in the world are crying for his head, a la Salman Rushdie.UPDATE - Damien tells me the real plot of the story. Larry David's character did not intend to pee on the picture of Jesus:
Larry David is visiting the house of one of his former employees, in order to convince her to come back to work for him. Soon has to go the bath room. He pees on the picture by accident because he's taking this really powerful medicate that makes his urine stream really strong and some of it hits the painting.
For some reason, Larry doesn't trying to get the drop of urine off the painting which lands right below one of the eyes. The two women who live in there, later enter the bath room and think that picture of Jesus is crying. They think they are witnessing a miracle.
Honestly, I do think that is funny.That being said, the larger point of the post still stands. Let Larry David accidentally pee on a picture of Mohammed next time.Ok? Try that, Larry. That would be some comedy worthy of Andy Kaufman.
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Green Energy
As a Christian, I believe in Free Speech, because I believe that Freedom comes before the possibility of Virtue.
So, I honestly don’t care if Larry David pees on a photo of Jesus. Jesus is, if you believe in Him, big enough to take care of Himself.
Now, wake me up when Larry David pees on a painting of Mohammed.