Green Energy
A democrat and the lesson of garbage
I still remain a registered democrat. I just can't bring myself to DO IT. There was a while in the last few years I didn't think I'd last, but then James Dobson would open his mouth, or Trent Lott, and I'd think of Mr. Goldwater's comment on Jerry Falwell. This calls out the discrepancy between what democrats are 'supposed to believe' and what I believe.
But here's something bigger than the foreign policy mutations which sent the democratic party reeling away from men like myself, Henry Jackson, Sam Nunn, Harry Truman, FDR, Dean Acheson ...on and on.

The lesson of garbage.
We first bought our lake home in rural Maine in 1977. There was no town garbage collection. There was a need. A local person had a business. He filled that need. It cost $2/week. You could send them a check for a week, a month a year, whatever. Some people left $2 in the mailbox.
Norman Rockwell.
If you had something you couldn't tote to the road, well you could tip the guys for about $10 and they'd back on down and take your washing machine, or whatever. You could always work it out. If you needed more than one pickup a week, you picked up the phone and added in $2.
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Green Energy