Green Energy
Civilization vs. Tribalism
M. Simon:
The war against Islamofascism is not the first time we in America have faced enemies who loved death more than life. Honor more than victory. We have faced such enemies every time we have faced one of the oldest human cultures on earth. Tribalism.
The problem today is that the age-old tribalism appears under the cloak of a religion. (Go ahead, guess which one.)
The Prophet Muhammed is the embodiment of all that is wrong with Islam. Unfortunately, the Muslims consider him to be an infallible human. Nothing he said or did could be wrong.
Imagine if someone were to pick a person who lived, let's say, 100-200 years ago. Now suppose he was called absolutely perfect by X number of people. Would that fact alter the morality of the dead guy?
It shouldn't.
Think of the prevalent outlook between 1806 and 1906. Racialist views are the norm; slavery is accepted in most of the world; non-whites and women are treated as inferior in the West and on and on.
We would simply laugh at anyone who claimed that a person who lived in that time held the most clear moral view for all of humanity till the end of time.
Yet, Muslims think that Muhammed who lived 1400 years ago is the guy to forever emulate. Muhammed:
- married, and had sex with, a nine-year-old.
- ordered the assassination of his critics.
- was glad when the men of a hapless Jewish tribe were murdered and their women and children taken as slaves.
- was smoking something really good.
- was a barbarian.
The West ought to be rhetorically whipping Muhammed. The cartoons of that vicious clown* were quite mild to be honest.
* I mean no disrespect towards professional clowns.
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Green Energy