Green Energy
Classical Cartoon Conditioning
Or: a Pavlovian Experiment for Our Times

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Wow. Newsweek's Newest Cover
click the pic for the Ferguson article Click here for the Blaze story about the cover and article...
Boehner Files Court Brief Challenging Constitutionality of ObamaCare The last sentence of the article below gave Zip heart palpitations. Click on title to read the whole thing. Report: Obama’s Senior Aides Told Him Not to Sign ObamaCare and That it...
Leftist Icon Noam Chomsky to Iranian TV: “US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia and the Taliban,” Bush and Ahmadinejad are “Spiritual Brothers”(click image for video) Click on the title to read the story....
"mo, The Hatred Pope" - The Prophet Mohammed Anagram - Update
After noticing a large number of hits coming to my blog via searches, all looking for "The Prophet Mohammed Anagram", I decided to do a bit more research. It seems as though a cartoon [Opus] which appeared on the Berkeley Breathed Website contained an...
Coming Next: The Cloud Jihad
(Click image to view full size) Far-fetched, you say? A few years ago I would have agreed. But not now....
Green Energy