Green Energy
Coming next: the Cloud Jihad

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Far-fetched, you say? A few years ago I would have agreed. But not now.
Wow. Newsweek's Newest Cover
click the pic for the Ferguson article Click here for the Blaze story about the cover and article...
Boehner Files Court Brief Challenging Constitutionality of ObamaCare The last sentence of the article below gave Zip heart palpitations. Click on title to read the whole thing. Report: Obama’s Senior Aides Told Him Not to Sign ObamaCare and That it...
The Palestine Telegraph and David DukeFrom Harry's Place: Oh look, this (Harry's Place) blog is on someone’s front page. And guess who else is on the front page? Why, former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke, ranting about Israel and Jews in a video....
An Islamic Solution To The “flying While Muslim” Problem
Cox and Forkum have a novel solution to the problem of Flying Imams. However, I think this solution is unsatisfactory, because it may alienate the Muslims worldwide, hurt their feelings, cause them humiliation and all the other things that make them blow...
Classical Cartoon Conditioning
Or: a Pavlovian Experiment for Our Times Click image to view full size...
Green Energy