Green Energy
Expanding The Caliphate

this posting at
Weasel Zippers, citing the
PREACHER of hate Omar Bakri is boldly going where no imam has gone before — ordering followers to convert ALIENS to Islam.
Bakri, acting like a character from sci-fi film Mars Attacks, said Muslims must not only spread the word worldwide but also across the galaxy.
He issued the decree during a bizarre rant which has been posted on an extremist website.
Bakri, 50, declared: “We are obliged as Muslims to make the whole galaxy subservient to almighty Allah. Allah has created all living beings in order to obey him and worship him.”
Last night a security source quipped: “Perhaps he could show his people the way — it would give everyone a break if he was beamed up.”
Where are Captain Kirk and the Federation when you need them?
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Joke Story Of The Day, Omar Bakri Is Now 'moderate', Humanist
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Yes, Melanie Is An Alarmist Paranoid Freak, Right?
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Green Energy