HILARY CLINTON, MODERATE COMMUNIST: "Don't Ever Let Anyone Tell You, It's Corporations and Businesses That Create Jobs"
Green Energy

HILARY CLINTON, MODERATE COMMUNIST: "Don't Ever Let Anyone Tell You, It's Corporations and Businesses That Create Jobs"

She's just part of a tiny minority of extremists:

- Why Get Upset, Muslims? Quran Burning Cult Church Is Tiny Minority Of Extremists!
As the Smoking Gun points out this Dove Church is no doubt a cult as far as I can see, and beyond it's 50 members who knows how many it represents, as a religious viewpoint. However as it's pastor has mentioned, his impetus for this (really off...

- Analysis: For Clinton, Tough Talk But Few Results
From AP: CAIRO — Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's tense exchanges with Pakistani civilians and Arab diplomats over a harrowing week of foreign stops exposed the confining limits of her office.On her most ambitious and contentious overseas...

- A Message From The Ayatollah Khomeini
The Ayatollah Khomeini dropped by the pub here at Infidel Bloggers Alliance and left a message for all of us: Let me tell ya', I don't get no respect Some Islamophobic Kuffar scum (may their heads soon be parted from their shoulders) say there...

- Pakistanis Want More Sharia
It's only a tiny minority of extremists: World Public Opinion did a comprehensive poll of Pakistanis. The PDF is here. One lovely bit: 60% of Pakistanis want a larger role for sharia in the nation....

- Brigitte Gabriel Debates Islamist About "teddy Bear" Controversy On O'reilly Factor
The Islamist immediately goes to the "tiny minority of extremists" card. But, how is it a "tiny minority" when we are talking about justice under the government of the Sudan? ...

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