Green Energy
Maldives: “White foreigners and Jews”

In a television broadcast on Martyrs’ Day, a day to commemorate those who have died for the Maldives and for Islam the current ruling party has accused the opposition parties for bringing “white foreigners and Jews” into the country to “talk about the incompetence of our country, and requesting their help”.
The spokesman for Egyptian educated Dictator Mullah Abdul Gayyoom was joined on the broadcast by a member of the Constitutional Assembly and a state media official.
The three called upon the people to be extremely cautious of the spread of Judaeo-Christian views, and alleged the Maldives was threatened by international intervention in domestic affairs.
International Relations

Maldives has maintained neutral foreign relations as part of the Commonwealth, Non-Aligned Movement, South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) and United Nations.
But on 29 July Gayoom made hostile comments towards the European Union (EU) in a press conference, condemning an EU statement expressing concern over reform delays as “meddling in our affairs”.
White and other foreigners of different colors currently pay top dollar and Euro to enjoy holidays in the coral islands. Stupid foreigners are constantly awarding Tourism and Hospitality awards to the Maldives.
We want your money. But don't try to teach people about freedom or Human Rights!
With thanks to Minivan News
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