Green Energy
Maldives: President pardons convicted Muslim terrorist ...

"Varahmath Ahmed, sentenced to one year imprisonment for aiding suspected terrorists in September’s Sultan Park bomb, is among the 69 prisoners President Gayoom pardoned on Wednesday, it has emerged.
Varahmath an immigration officer, was sentenced in February for entering different passport numbers into the system to allow two men, Ali Shameem and Abdul Latheef Ibrahim, pass through customs despite being blacklisted.
The explosion, set off in September last year, injured 12 tourists in the capital, Male.
A new report by the Asian Centre for Human Rights (ACHR), issued last week, finds the Maldivian judiciary to have been the second worst in South Asia during 2007, noting: “Independence of the judiciary remains Maldives’ weakest point.”
With thanks to Minivan News.
This should come as no surprise to those who are informed about Maldives and their President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom -
"He closely followed the revolutionary movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood and Free Officers Movement of Gamal Abdel Nasser. He attended several public meetings of Muslim Brotherhood where celebrated orators like Sayyid Qutb railed against Britain, imperialism and King Farouk's government. In July 1952, Gayoom was at the Muslim Brotherhood camp, on holiday, when Gamal Abdel Nasser took over in a bloodless military coup. In his book A Man for All Islands, biographer Royston Ellis wrote, "Maumoon regarded it as a privilege to be able to hear Sayyed Qutb"."
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More on Maldives President Gayoom -
“The truth is, far from being the majestic paradise promoted by scores of glossy brochures in Travel Agents up and down High Streets across the United Kingdom, the Maldives is a land of torture, oppression and murder with the tourism industry underpinning the lavish lifestyle of the dictator Gayoom and his cruel lieutenants whilst the vast majority of the population survive on less than a dollar a day.
“During his twenty-five year hold on power, President Gayoom and his regime have flouted international human rights agreements, laughed in the face of democracy and brought about unknown terror to hundreds of thousands of innocent people.”
• Gayoom was a close ally of Saddam Hussein and was said to model many of his torture techniques upon those employed in Iraq.
• Women are unable to stand in elections for President and Gayoom’s party, which has a monopoly on all levels of Government, is the only Party allowed to canvass for support during elections.
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